Friday, April 23, 2010

Acupuncture today. I'm not sure it does anything really, save give me time for a twenty minute nap. Saw my physiotherapist who seems really pleased with my progress. My lumbar region is beginning to loosen up finally. The stiffness still persists but it seems to be getter a bit easier to isolate movement in the para spinals, particularly on the left side. Practice, practice, practice...
My obsession with Etsy and online crafting continues. My favourites list is ever growing and I may soon have to put a cap on what I purchase! I am so excited to get a home so we can decorate it with all the lovely things I keep finding. Material, dishes, ornaments. Beautiful clothing and jewellery. Etsy is a treasury of creativity, a spring board for hopes and dreams. I love perusing the handmade items.
I also for some reason have become quite focused on eco clothing. And the raw food movement. Although I'm still eating meat, I'm hoping that post surgery, when I am truly on the mend I will be able to have a more raw diet. I just received Sarma Melngalis' uncook book from Indigo books and the recipes, excerpts and photographs have me dreaming of a succulent, plant based summer. As with anything, it's all about balance and organization. The fog in my head which has for so long impeded my progress seems to be lessening somewhat.

Monday, April 5, 2010

things I like aka want

Nice to dream in colours, in fabrics. Must remember to buy lottery ticket.


Sunny and warm outsidse today. Too bad I am stuck inside. I wish venturing out wasn't such a big deal but it is. I have to psyche myelf up fr it big time. The cars, the movement, the people. Truly frightens me. Since that day where I flew ito the air and landed on my life as I knew it everything has changed. I'm not the person I was pre-accident. I'm not as brave. And I feel like such a phony. My body seems foreign to me, a stranger wearing me and my skin. Before, this vessel of movement was me. I worked out, ate right, paid people to care for it. I swam like a fish, I explored the world, just you are supposed to when you are young.
But now, fear. My mantra was fear is the mind killer. Baby Steps. soon all this will be a blip in my life.
A friend offered to come over so I'm going outside. To go to the bank and drycleaners. Get some vitamin D.
Hopefully if we get a puppy, I'll feel braver, not alone. A smart, personable northern dog to train and love. A rescued dog to maybe rescue me from that day when I flew.