Sunday, December 19, 2010

Reverb#10 - Day 19

Prompt: Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

This year was all about healing. Physically I have done well. In January I could barely move without fatiguing, my backside was that of an octogenarian. I was thin, weak, frail. I didn't walk so much as shuffle. My main point of rest was my Lazy Boy. I couldn't cook, stand for long periods. I couldn't even lie in bed without constantly shifting, so my battered pelvis didn't hurt. Each night I wore a bone stimulator over my pelvis, to prompt the calcium cascade to regenerate my bone, cause them to grow and heal the breaks and cracks, strengthen the integrity of the entire pelvis. Fuse it.
Tonight, at the sunset of 2010, my situation is changed. I still walk with aids but I can stride longer, farther, stronger, more uniform in my steps. I can fend for myself and cook and clean, albeit slowly. I am tackling my cognitive issues, finding and developing strategies. I attended care conferences, physio, OT, psy-chology and -chiatry. I took the necessary steps of recovery.
Am I healed? I recovered from the summer surgery well. Much fatigue and pain and swelling but now I move so much more free-r. Baby steps.

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